Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Moon walking again!

I finally managed to get in to see my surgeon a few weeks ago and had an x-ray. The screws and plate are hunky dory but the bones aren't fusing. So I've been put back in my manky moon-boot and told not to walk more than 5 minutes. These are my guidelines for six weeks and then I have a CT to see whats happening.

So I'm three weeks in and the pain can be quite extreme. Every time I lift my foot it feels like its separating! My back is also being effected because my work-boots and most of my shoes are a different heel height to the moon-boot so I'm thrown out with every step.

I want it to feel secure and the moon-boot doesn't do it. There's too much shift.

The cause of my non-fusing is basically my hyper-mobile ankle.

It rotates and bends so much that there is no chance of fusion. Most people are apparently so stiff that its not an issue but not me! I was thrilled because it looked like I had maintained enough flexion to cope with uneven ground whereas my ankle is held together by a couple of screws and a plate!

So now I'm waiting to see what the outcome will be and where I go from there.

I've look at the research and one of the treatments for non-fusion of an ankle arthrodesis is a tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis, which is what my original surgery was. So I will wait and see what the CT says and what the outcome is.

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