Saturday, December 6, 2014

Who operated on my ankle?

It seems weird that at this point in time the only discomfort I have is in my ankle. It's verging on feeling like a sprain. It also feels really stiff but actually has normal rotation. I put it down to being six weeks in a cast and not being totally conscientious with some of my physio exercises because when I'd get home and look at the drawings I'd sometimes forget what I was actually supposed to do.

The last lot given to me I remembered and they were actually quite fun. I've even graduated from balanced on a folded towel to balancing on a pillow. I have my discharge review with the surgeon in ten days time so I'm hoping I'll be much looser by then. 

I have discomfort walking down stairs and I tried a pair of limousine shoes on today and could barely step forward with my right foot. When I rotate my ankle in a clockwise direction it clunky-clicks at the nine o'clock position but doesn't when I turn it anticlockwise, go figure!

I bought a new pair of running shoes yesterday and was so excited because I got a normal fit pair. With my wider previous foot I had to buy wide fitting but now the heel is all realigned I fit a normal pair.

They are also very pretty so I should fly in them. I did a 25 minute run in them today and was really happy. The laces didn't need re tightening or any adjustment. I still can't understand the whole being able to run comfortably but still walking awkwardly business. I guess I'll just accept it.