My foot still swells if I even think about walking but not to the bursting point any more. I have pretty much ditched the moon boot apart from longer distances. While it definitely stops any pain in my heel while walking it is doing back things to my knee. I think the lack of ankle flexion means that sometimes my knee is forced to try and bend the wrong way and the knee cap protests.
I have had one Physio appointment which we both thought was a waste of time. She had instructions to not touch! She was only allowed to give me stretches. Considering that it was 11 weeks after the op and I'd been on my own until that was pretty redundant, I had already been doing them on my own. Tomorrow I am charged with begging them to let her touch my foot.
The ankle is almost fused. There's very little movement through it and I can barely point my toes. It's calling out for a bit of manipulation! I still feel like I have a bad case of plantar fasciitis with pain focussed on my heel. What I discovered the other day is it hurts just as much when I run as when I walk so I'm hoping that I'll be moving faster sooner rather than later. The idea of 'some patients are able to resume running after 9 months' is not a cheery one. Particularly since the ligament repair is causing no pain, it is only the "bonus" surgery on my heel that is causing any ill effects.
So hopefully tomorrow I'll get a new set of instructions and have some idea of where I am on the continuum of healing. Watch this space!